In the DC Metro area, which includes DC, Virginia and Maryland, our contract allows the BUYER to select the closing agent, sometimes called the attorney, the title company, the settlement agent, or closing company. The Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act (RESPA) protects the parties from being forced to use anyone. Sellers can request a specific title company, especially if that’s the company they’re using for their next purchase to make it easier, but the buyer doesn’t have to go with them. Also, sellers CAN do a split settlement and use 2 different companies, but that basically means 2 companies are doing the same work. Sometimes sellers will do that if they have a relationship and may get a heavily discounted fee for using a specific title company.
If you’re looking for some recommendations on a settlement company, here are some favorites:
VA Only: Wiley Russell, Attorney 703-893-6066
New World Title: newworldtitle.com
Ekko Title: ekkotitle.com
Monarch Title: monarchtitle.net
This is some really good information about selling a home. I liked that you pointed out that a seller can do a split settlement. That is really good to know because I have been thinking about selling my home for the past few weeks. Splitting the closing costs would be really nice.