Once you have a ratified (binding) contract, you’ll schedule a home inspection to occur within a specified number of days. Many people ask who can or how many people attend an inspection, so let me clear up this issue:
Anyone you want.*
*Within reason 🙂
Normally, the people in attendance for an inspection include:
1) The Inspector
2) Your Agent
3) You
Your attendance as the buyer is not required, but it’s certainly preferred. If there’s more than 1 buyer, we hope at least 1 of you will be there but it’s better for both or all of you to be in attendance. You’ll learn the way the house works, maintenance tips, important shut off valves, in addition to any problems that may come up during the inspection.
Some other people may drop by the inspection such as the Listing Agent (or the agent representing the sellers), a termite inspection (if appl.), radon inspector (if appl or different from home inspector).
Since this is most likely the last time you’ll see the property before your final walk-through before closing, it’s up to you if you want parents, friends, confidants, contractors, etc. to come to the inspection as well. Just coordinate with your agent so you don’t displace the sellers for an absurd amount of time and everything you want to accomplish during this time gets done!