Millennials. They’re all over the internet for the havoc they’re wreaking on many issues around the country. While they are also the generation of HGTV and DIY, when it comes to real estate – turn key homes sell better. They show better, especially when staged, people get the warm and fuzzy feeling of home faster and easier in a home that’s mostly updated. Things like granite, hardwood, stainless steel, etc are almost expected now as the bare minimum versus an “upgrade.” Many people overestimate how much it’ll cost to upgrade things and so there’s a heavy discount put upon any home that doesn’t have those features.
If you’re deciding how to upgrade a home, whether it be for your enjoyment with no plans of selling anytime soon OR if you’re thinking of selling and want to get a home ready to do so, I’m happy to be a consultant for you on prepping a home for sale. Sometimes putting granite on old cabinets is a waste of money and won’t give you the return you’re looking for. Sometimes it’s easier to actually get an estimate on how much that’ll be and provide that to future buyers and offer a credit for them to do so. It’s hard to dispute a written estimate.
It’s the whole “shiny object syndrome.” People want what’s new and shiny!