McLean Real Estate Selling Fast and Furious!

Averages can be deceiving. Most of the properties in McLean are selling within 2 weeks and over 25% of the houses sold in May sold with mutliple offers, causing prices at or above list price! Prices are up both in 22101 and 22102 by 6.6% and 3.8% respectively. Inventory was down by 18.4% in 22101 and 12.4% in 22102.


Single Family, Detached
Average Net Sale Price: $1,082,646 in 47 days
Median Days on the Market: 15
Range: $630,000 – $2,600,000


Single Family, Detached
Average Net Sale Price: $1,467,242 after 73 days
Median Days on the Market: 13
Range: $775,000 – $3,694,416

1 Bedroom, 1 Bathroom Condo
Average Net Sale Price: $246,100 after 17 days
Median Days on the Market: 6
Range: $205,000 – $362,000

2 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom Condo
Average Net Sale Price: $446,875 after 18 days
Range: $315,000 – $662,000

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