What Is A Seller Required to Repair on a Home Inspection?

When a buyer does a home inspection, the findings can be grouped into two categories: 1) Required Repairs and 2) Requested Repairs. When determining whether an item falls under one category or the other, use this a guideline:

Required Repairs must be in accordance with Paragraph 7 of the VA Regional Sales Contract, which reads:

The following items must be in NORMAL WORKING ORDER: existing appliances, heating, cooling, plumbing, electrical systems and equipment, smoke, and heat detectors.


Leaky faucet – required repair
Broken Windows – not required
Broken Outlet – required repair
Loose Tile – not required repair
Leaky roof – not required repair
Dishwasher that’s leaking – required repair

So many different scenarios can arise in a home inspection, especially if the unit is a condo and you’re also trying to figure out if the repair is the responsibility of the homeowner or condo board.  Let a professional help you figure it out.