Are You The Reason Your House Isn’t Selling?

We all know the local headliners on today’s real estate section of every newspaper, it either says “what a great time to buy” or how lousy the market is these days. Well from a Realtors(R) perspective, the real reason your house isn’t selling may have nothing to do with the market or the house, it may just be you.

Some tips to getting your house sold that have nothing to do with price:

  • Do you make it easy to show? Make reasonable accommodations to get agents and their clients in to view your property. If we have to try on 3 separate occasions to schedule an appointment, chances are the buyers will move on to something else and assume you don’t really want to sell your house.
  • Did you leave when the agent came by with clients? It’s awkward enough to be opening closets and bedrooms without the sellers home, but when you’re there, watching the buyers every move you’re not allowing them to emotionally connect with the house and see their furniture in your house, because all they see is you! At least go outside if you have nowhere else to go – it’s a great opportunity to get some exercise and take a 15 minute walk.
  • Did you clean before you left? Please do your dishes…and flush the toilet. ‘Nuff said.
  • Please treat every negotiation with a “time is of the essence” mentality. In my opinion, it’s a reasonable expectation for some kind of move within a 24-48 hour window. If you need more time, many parties are understanding of circumstance, just please be open with communication. It makes everyone more willing to cooperate.